Sunday, October 25, 2009

Fresh Squeezin's

For years Steve has talked about the fresh pressed apple juice he enjoyed on the farm in his youth. I always was like "Yes, Dear, that sounds wonderful." He did something about it this year. He built an apple juice 'machine'. Last night we had an 'Apple Festival' (sorry kids, now that I know what that is, I will provide dinner next time!). We washed and cut up the apples, threw them into his 'grinder' and pressed the juice out of those apples. I didn't think I would drink any of it (Steve was hurt that I bought Apple Juice on my shopping day). It was delicious. What a fun experience. I think everyone loved the juice. At least a gallon was consumed as we were 'squeezin'.

The contraption

Marinda- The cutter

Morgan- The Switchman

Stephanie- Quality Control

"I read about this on the internet"

e will have improvements to the system in place for the next festival.


Stephanie said...

Ha ha, look at the way I am holding that knife! That was really fun. Those apples were delicious - both raw and in juice form.